
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Creative Photography: Weekly photo Challenge

This week's Weekly Photo Challenge is Creative Photographs

Fireworks in New Delhi India
Ella: Any reason is a good reason to shoot off fireworks in India...
Me (to Ella): Let's celebrate being in India by shooting off fireworks

One of my favorite days in Delhi was concluded by shooting off fire works and drinking King Fisher. 

In between touristy activities, time and workshops at Sanskriti Kendra, art galleries and museums we were able to spend time with two artists that my professors had lived next to and had gotten to know while they lived in New Delhi, Delhi, India. It was great for several reasons. It felt like it was a truly genuine Delhi experience. Also, Ella and Prashanto's neighbors had just moved out the day before we went to hang out so we even spent a couple days in our professors old house.

Before shooting fireworks we walked from their place to the market, bougt ingredients for supper, ate kabobs, visited the ATMs with AC, went into a couple temples, and even purchased drinks at the liquor store, which as women in Delhi late at night was quite the experience.  

After supper we shot fireworks and returned to where we were staying, beautiful Sanskriti.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Instalation Inspiraiton

Felicia Follum Upcycled Instalation Art India
In a precious post I talked about the first two exhibitons that included my artwork inspired by India.

I am currently planning a third solo exhibition that I which will include work from both previous shows and several more pieces. I really want to play with creative hanging and installation techniques
Felicia Follum Upcycled Instalation Art India Inspired Art

Below are some instalation pieces that serve as my personal inspiration for what this work could morph into.

Installation art conveying an overwhelming atmosphere.

John Dahlsen Environmental Art

Govinda Prasad Sah Aza

Kate MccGwire

A Sun of Thread: 84 Miles of String Suspended at MIA by HOT TEA

The Dreamlike Installation Art Of Rune Guneriussen 

Climate Change Artistic Campaign: Tiny Melting Ice Men Sculptures by Nele Azevedo

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Electricity: Weekly Photo Challenge

I was quite excited when I saw that this Weekly Photo Challenge was Electricity because I knew exactly which photo I wanted to share.

My husband is an Electrical Engineering student so while I was in India I kept my eyes open for things I thought he would be interested in. This was a very common set up for wires in Delhi, so of course, I captured several photos of this craziness.

New Delhi, India Electricity

Monday, February 17, 2014

Books: Weekly Photo Challenge

This Weekly Photo Challenge was books.

This photo was taken in an office supply store in New Delhi, on our second week in India.

It was my first experience in a shop like this. My professor (who had lived in this neighborhood for a couple years) and I pushed our way to the counter and demanded the supplies we needed. We were not overly rude but the experience was quite a contrast the to the often slow-paced and overly polite tempo that you would experience in a small American shop.

New Delhi, India, Dukaan

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Typography: English vs Devanagari

As a graphic designer whose strength lies in typography and a love of type and words, I am stoked to get better at both Hindi/Devanagari and Urdu scripts.

The Anatomy of Devanagari
by Folography.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.

This is great! I absolutely love that I have a book at home that goes through these same terms with the English alphabet. There are of course some slight differences. Such as English doesn’t have a link but rather ligatures (mostly used in old English) and we have serifs rather than noses, cusps and hooks.

Caps and lowercase letters are also common in English making the x-height useful in a different way making the ascenders and descenders a bit more dramatic in Hindi. This is graphically the one aspect of Hindi/Devanagari script that I am not excited to work with.

I still have a long ways to go before I can start practicing with Urdu script and really using the Hindi alphabet.

Te read more about Hindi/Urdu/Devanagari be sure to check out, my blog about how I am learning the Hindi language.  To see more of my India inspired art and more script check out my India Inspired Art section of this Blog.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

India Inspired Art+ Trash Installation

Felicia Follum Trash Installation Art
Felicia Follum Trash Installation Art
This installation piece was inspired by my comparison of American methods of dealing with trash and other countries. America tends to hide our trash even though we have way more trash than most countries. I compared this with the crazy amount of trash in the streets in India and other countries I have visited. In addition to the visible differences trash is often upcycled and reused in various ways. The reuse of trash and recycling leads to various jobs as well.

Check out the video below and be sure to subscribe to see my artists statement when I publish that post. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel to see lots of Art videos.
Felicia Follum Trash Installation Art
Felicia Follum Trash Installation Art
Felicia Follum Trash Installation Art

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Locust Effect and The Problem of Poverty

The main topic in “The Locust Effect” breaks my heart. It is basically the argument that I made for my final project in my Ethical Philosophy of Global Justice class.

Violence and crime affect the poor. Trafficking, rape, and other forms of violence are problem of an unequal distribution of resources.

Though this book is specific to the developing world, it was seeing this poverty in my backyard as a kid that helped me to really see the problem of poverty for what it is.