
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why You Should Come to My Art Opening...

Opening: November 10, 6-8pm
Exhibition dates: November 8-17
...or at the very least check out and like my page on Facebook.

1. Commitment - I am committed to creating artwork that I am passionate about.

2. You enjoy great artwork - Well great artwork certainly is my goal and I would love to make you a part of the journey.

3. Make new friends - It is always great to get out and meet new people.  An art exhibition is the perfect opportunity.

4. Support the arts - Art is an important part of life. If you cant make it to my show, go to a local art exhibition and/or like my page.

5. Support a good cause - First of all you are supporting the arts and me.  In addition to simply supporting me, and the arts in general, but some other great causes as well.  I tend to have sales where a percentage goes to a charity or specific cause. Like my Facebook page for deals and updates.

6. Passion - I love artwork and I love using my art to make a difference.
Networking - I probably know people that may be able to help you out (and you know people too).

7. Networking - I am an intern for WOW, a professional development center for artists and I always emphasize the significance of networking (in real life).

8. You can teach me something - I love feedback on what art you want to see, but also love critique from other artists.

9. You will learn something new - I tend to focus my work on social issues and often use historical or current events.

10. Entertainment - Artwork is often entertaining and a gallery opening is something fun to attend.

11. Education disguised as entertainment - My formal training is in the field of conceptual graphic design...A lot of research goes into my projects.  I had a high school art teacher who was pretty cynical about our culture.  He was always commenting on how people want to be entertained rather than educated. Art is an opportunity for both education and entertainment.

12. Free art - My business cards for opening night have been custom printed.  There will also be at least one more opportunity for a giveaway.

13. Curiosity - I have given you 13 decent reasons for you to at least be a bit curious about my work. I am guessing you want to know a little bit more about me or my art. I have also been dropping tidbits of info in this blog, about my upcoming show and I am sure that some of them have sparked a bit of interest as well.

Now, why not - you are already on my blog and I am making it simple for you to check out and find my Facebook event page.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Art Supplies I cant Live Without

People sometimes ask what tools I use to create my drawings or how I made a piece.  I will certainly post a tutorial or two in the future, but for now I will tell you the supplies and programs that I worked with in my most recent body of work.  These are some of the basics tools that I use to create my art.  The first few are for my ink and wash drawings. The next section addresses the supplies I use for my graphic design posters.  The last two are used to tie my various mediums together to create a body of work. 

Ink print from Make it Plain
Drawing ink pen
Watercolor paper
Mechanical pencils (lots of them)
Kneaded eraser
Misket (masking fluid)
Water brush (for traveling)
Watercolor brush

My MacBook Pro
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photo Shop
My Kodak camera (simple snap and shoot, but I love it)

Concept - Although the image to the left is a print it ties to the rest of Make it Plain because it addresses the American history in a similar way to other work from the exhibition.

What do you use to create?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Photography Blog

I just redesigned my photography blog.  The reason for having it is so that I can reference photograph.  It is a bit like a photo archive.  The new design allows me to scroll through and see all of the work at one time.  I can then click on the image I want to see, or change it back to a typical blog view.  I am quite please.  Check it out.

Images from Felicia Follum Photography Blog...Haiti and Beautiful Haitian People

Do you have a favorite photograph?  Which one?  Why?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My new site

I just launched my new portfolio!
Felicia Follum Art + Design Website
A couple weeks ago I went to a lecture on artists web presence.  I have known for a while that my website was in dire need of serious redesign (I am still in that process).  For now I created a portfolio of my work.  One factor that has been stressed over and over is the idea that an artist should have a brand and all design should look consistent. In response, I also redesigned my blog design and my Facebook page. When I figure out the website situation, I will be sure to share.

My photography blog, which is mostly an archive of photographs has also been redone, but does not use the same style.

Felicia Follum Art + Design on Facebook
The next step to improving my online presence will be figuring out my website will and purchasing a domain name.

What is your favorite project on my website or FB page? Why?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The BordoBello skateboard art fundraiser is an annual event that works to spread the arts throughout Denver, CO.  The proceeds from this years event event went to the Access Gallery & Studio and toward the Robert Taylor AIGA Colorado scholarship.

I was fortunate to have my work in the show a few years back, as a part of course took that was taught by David Carson

Though my boards were a part of the show in 2009, here are some images from the end of last month's show.

What image would you want on your skateboard? I picked my pet salamander. Why? because he is really really cool.

Friday, October 7, 2011

230 Nooses - Working

As many of you know, I am getting work ready for my November show.  I just decided how I want to discuss African American religious culture and how I want to address history.  I plan to have the first wall depicting the prevalent mentality of racism, hatred, racialism (white supremacy) and ignorance that led up to events of the 60s. The way that I plan to visually convey the cultural and political climate is by creating one noose for every person lynched in 1892. The 230 lynched in one year will symbolize the mentality and culture that existed well into the mid 1900's. Here is a preview of some of the nooses.  I have over 100 completed so far.

One reason I create artwork is to promote dialog and why not start here? How familiar are you with this side of American History? What questions do you still have?