
Thursday, May 31, 2012

University of Wyoming Art Faculty

some of the girls at the potluck and student roast an
I wanted to thank my wonderful professors at the University of Wyoming! I have had an amazing experience here and owe much of it to a wonderful department. We just finished the annual potluck for graduating seniors. All of the seniors and faculty have dinner, drinks and a toast. It was wonderful to hear what profs had to say about not only myself but all these other people whom I have spent so much of my past few years with.

Jenny Venn – It was great to hear Jenny speak. She said it best that “we have clashed at times but we really are the same person.” Jenny and I both have a stubborn fighting personality and we will fight for what is right no matter what it takes. I would like to thank Jenny for the time and effort that she puts into her students as well as the faith that she has in us. The graphic design emphasis (or minor) is more work than the graphics major at many other schools and though this causes a ton of stress it also is why the University of Wyoming kicks butt at all the out of state competitions we attend. Thanks Jenny!

Pat Kikut – I have worked with Pat for the past couple years with Student Art League. (He is the advisor for SAL.) Traveling with Pat and getting to know him better has been wonderful. He has become one of my favorite artists (people) in that he is a genuine caring person who is outgoing.  I love that he had a gallery in his back yard, invites students over, and knows so many fascinating artists.  He seems to know everyone (people who are big deals) and it is because is genuinely a great guy. His girlfriend Tracy has been great to get to know as well. Tracy thanks for all the great talks and food.

More of the UW Art seniors
Pat also makes great margaritas for SAL members.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My New Art Studio

As promised, here are some photos of my new art studio.  

Workspace. I have three more “scalia” watercolors in progress, one watercolor from Haiti, and one that is a bit messing around featuring pirate imagery.

Storage. I am not one to be overly organized but I must admit, I am proud of this supply closet.

Wall Art and Seating. Prints from a screen printing workshop a while back.  I will post some photos from that soon. All of the processes were pretty simple to DIY. The giant bean bags came from Salvation Army. I was stoked to find them for only $5.

It is a bit messier at the moment...

Paper, matting and framing station.  Finally space that is not our dining room table!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Art Department Graduation Photos

The University of Wyoming Art Department 2012 Graduates.

From above...Can you find me?

My mom and I

The whole crew

Thursday, May 24, 2012

14 Art Inspirations from My Past Haiti Trip

Though I am not sure exactly will come out of my Haiti trip(s), I do have many ideas floating around with a percentage of all work (40% for photographs) sold going back to my experience in Haiti (You can see my journal entries in my Personal/Religion Blog).  Here is some of the work created so far as well as ideas I am still playing with.

1. I gained an understanding about communication and languages…. though I am not sure how, this concept/new understanding could be used in the future.  Read more about communicating while in Haiti.  Communication Part 1  Part 2

2. I can sell photographs and ink drawings

3. Sell work and give a percentage back (for photographs, 20% will going back to pastor Mark and 20% will go toward a trip back to Haiti)

4. Use imagery (photographs and drawings) for posters

5. Poster on world poverty or education

6. Poster on world water issues

7. Poster on children and death (or other) statistics. Knowing that Mikindy, a 2 month old boy that I held, is much 10 times more likely to die by age 2 than an American child, is pretty sad.

8. This trip brings back memories of the Home Depot clay pot factory in Tecate, Mexico…Maybe a poster could be created on this…This concept (and others) could easily be morphed into another zine.

9. I would still like to Create jewelry for the girls next time I go back (could create one small bracelet for every photograph, or other Haiti work sold)...Though creating jewelry would be great, it would also work well to cut the embroidery floss and teach the kids how to make bracelets.  This might mean more to the kids.

10. Think of more art projects for the kids to take back (I made bracelets and paper beads with the kids. They loved both)

11. The political graffiti had great textures...not sure how to use this

12. Haiti’s flowers were unique and beautiful (so were the landscapes)

13. Draw some of the names in graffiti style.

14. The teaching experience has proven useful in my current job teaching people with disabilities (link to the Coper Center for Creative Arts).

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Amy

Painting by Amalie Baker

I wanted to say happy birthday (a couple days late) to an excellent friend and artist.  My husband framed one of her paintings as my birthday gift and I thought I would share her beautiful artwork with you for her birthday.

Painting by Amalie Baker
This body of work consists of portraits of those she worked with while in Trinidad and her many travels to impoverished communities to paint murals.  You can read her Bio here.

Amy has been an inspiration to me since I have known her.  She is an excellent friend and inspirational, beautiful woman and I thank God for the time that I do get to share with her.

Thanks Amy and happy birthday!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


My final exhibition as a University of Wyoming student is a group showing put on by the Student Art League and is located on the third floor of Coe Library on the way back to the rare books library. This body of work will be up through the summer. If you get a chance to stop by it will be well worth the trip.

"This show features work from a small group of art students that represent the Student Art League at UW. Through the use of different media and techniques, this particular body of work focuses on human experience with animals. These encounters may be real or imaginary, and they ask the viewer to examine their own encounters, either those that took place in reality or those in dreams."

To see more of my snake and lizard paintings, check out my other scalia posts or my Facebook page.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Moving into the New Studio

In-between finishing up classes, making art work, hanging artwork for SAL (Student Art League), preparing for graduation, and working two jobs (finishing one and starting another) I have been moving into my new art studio.

The room has not been inhabited in over 7 years and my landlord has 30 apartments turning over.  Due to this combination of circumstances I finished cleaning the studio space in exchange for the first month free.

The studio space is basically a small hotel room. We got a great deal and there is even a bathroom and closet. The space is in the same building we live in, so our wireless Internet works and it is close by.

The window that you can see in the photo looks out over 3rd street and is located right above Grand Ave. Pizza.  If you are not familiar with the area, it is a great location.  If you would like stop by feel free to get a hold of me on Facebook or call my cell. 605.863.0818 and we can set up a studio visit.  Be sure to follow my blog and Facebook for upcoming studio and other events.

13 Tips for Mom’s who are Artists + 1 Last Minute Mothers Day Gift Idea

Happy Mother’s day to all you moms  (daughters, grandmothers, and even fathers) out there. Thank you all for everything you do to instill greatness in your children. I would especially like to thank my mom.  I love you!

Being an artist and being a mom are the two careers that I plan to pursue in the future and I think that there are huge challenges associated with both. Of course there are other jobs that I want and I definitely want to work with other people and other peoples kids at some point in my life. But my kids and my art are two things that are incredibly important to me (and we don't even have any kiddoes yet).

Here are some tips that I found for all the moms and/or artists out there...

1. Gear organization tips on how to run an art business and stay organized while staying at home with the kids.

2.  Some good thoughts in the comments section.

3. Time management for those who stay at home

4.  Another time management post with some great links

5. Motherhood and creativity interview

6.  Time management tips

7.  Organization ideas

8.  Here are some ideas that I have found that can help get your kids involved in the creative process

9.  Declutter and storage ideas - More ideas I have found

My Personal Tips

1. Multitasking – Do two tasks at once. If you need to set up an appointment, catch up with a friend or you want to have a play date. Do it over lunch. You both need to eat, why not eat and catch up.

2.  Upcycle - Many of these upcylcing projects could be done with kids and they will help beat clutter.  Dad, you can make one of these for mom (need a last minute mothers day gift, these are perfect).  Here is a unique upcycycled magazine box I created a while back.

3. Create art with you kids, I would really like to teach art lessons or classes…why not give a weekly lesson to my own kids and invite some of their friends?  Check out my Pinterest board for great ideas when "Working with Kids."

4. Start a blog with your children.  It is great practice when it comes to reading, writing, journalism, journaling, art sharing, photography, current events and can even serve as a family newsletter.  Another benefit to starting young with your kids is that you can learn about internet safety while you teach your children what is appropriate and what is not at a young age.

5. Take care of yourself.  Eat right. Exercise. Relax. How can you take care of others when you can't take care of yourself?  A compilation of some great healthy snack and lunch ideas can be found on my Play with Your Food Pin Board.

If you have any more tips please send them my way…As I will be needing them in the next few years.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Scalia is the animal family that encompasses snakes and lizards or animals with scales. While in Denver I attended the Denver Museum of Natural Science and the exhibit happened to be all about Scalia. I went photo crazy and decided to paint many of the creatures I had photographed.

Which is your favorite?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Something Old, Something New...

Photo by Drawing professor, Doug Russell
Having been in the old Fine Arts building for several years, I think I am even more excited about the new Visual Arts building at the University of Wyoming.

Just to show how drastic the need for this building was I will share some facts with you.

1. The old building was built for a department of around 80 students and the student count is currently above 300.
2. The space has been more than doubled and is much safer.
3. The old building, even with 300 students gone is still inadequate and still unsafe.  Here are what some the University of Wyoming student body senators say about the continued renovations for the old Fine Arts building
4. Not only was the old building insufficient, but the new building is suitable for considerable growth within the department.  The program has added metal-smithing and photography to the vast array of opportunities including Printmaking, graphic design, painting, sculpture, art history, drawing and ceramics.
5. Students all over the United States study the University of Wyoming Visual Arts building for the architecture classes and the department is helping with recruiting.

We have had several visiting artists comment on the new building.  Brian Dickerson said the new building is the "nicest Fine Arts building he has seen."  You can also read what Jason Urban, author of Pinteresting said about the new building on his blogDoug Russell and sculpture blogs have also discussed joys of the new building.

If you are interested in learning more about the University of Wyoming Art Department be sure to check out their website.

In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone who helped to fund this new building.  It truly has been a blessing for my last semester at the University of Wyoming.  As I prepare to walk accros the stage and accept my diploma today, I would certainly recommend the University of Wyoming (UDub) to anyone interested in studying art.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

7 Studio Organization Tips (and1 Inspiring Photo)

Image inspiration from Decor on a Dime
I have some great news regarding Felicia Follum Art+.  I am finally getting a studio space.

Now that I am graduating and no longer have unlimited access to the Visual Arts building and storage I will need another space to work.  The small office space that we have is no longer large enough for the supplies, my work and me.  I am ecstatic about finding the solution to these challenges and am committed to having a studio that functions as a space for me to be creative and to create.

I will be sure to share photos here and on Facebook...For those of you in the Laramie area, I am planning a Studio Warming/Open Studio event of some sort as well.

Below are the top 7 tips that I plan to use as inspiration to help me accomplish my studio organizational goals.