
Friday, December 28, 2012

Art Inspired by My Art on My Body

I am stoked to announce that I am getting my first professional large tattoo!!! It's a Sleeve!

Felicia Follum Art+ and Jason Jeffers Tattoo

 There are several reasons for wanting to get inked. Most of the elements in the piece will be symbolic of experiences, people, values, stories, or my life in general. Not only will there be personal meanings (which I will talk about more in future posts about my tattoo) to the work but I am excited to simply have a beautiful piece of artwork on my body.

Eye Inspiration for my back
Though my tattoo is not an exact replica of my artwork this first section is certainly based on my art. If you have been following my recent artwork you can probably already see how my Lily Pad art is represented on my sleeve. I also have a lizard eye from my Eden watercolor painting on the back of my shoulder that I am hoping to add some scales to. 

Each element from the first session also has some personal meaning but that is for future blog posts. For now I just wanted to show off my new tattoo and share the influences from my artwork and the artwork of Jason Jeffers from Extreme Point in Cheyenne.

I will continue to share more about my reasons behind my tattoo, both personal and my love of beautiful artwork.

Stoked to get the next section of outline. 

Who out there has tattoos? Sleeves? See my Body Art and Tattoo Pinterest board for more images.

I would love to see your body art in the comments. 


  1. Very cool so far. I'm excited to see your finished product! I have lot's of tattoo ideas, just not on my body quite yet.

  2. Nice!!! I was the same way and as far as the ideas go, still am. I think the fact that I waited and really took my time makes it mean that much more. I will be sure to share pics here and on Facebook for you Emily.
