
Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Resolution and 40 Art+ Creative Prompts to Help

Fun Abstracted Detail from My Lily Pads 
Happy New Year!!!!

If your New Year's Resolution is to be more creative? How about more thankful? Maybe it is to take some time to yourself and journal more.  My in-progress series of creativity prompts may be perfect to jump-start your creativity.

If your resolution is to eat healthier or $ave Money (on artwork) be sure to check out these links.

Click here to see all 40 Ar+ Creativity prompts. 

Why Creativity Prompts?

Laramie, Wyoming is growing on me but these winters are always shockingly brutal.  Laramie is one of the coldest places on the planet (ok maybe the US) and the town is known for it's bad wind and bad winters.  This being said I figured I would start by sharing some creative prompts that don't require traveling outside your home (though if you so choose I suppose you could).

These 40 creative prompts are designed the get your creative juices flowing by allowing you to detach from your daily routine whether it is writing, making art, staying at home with children or working. Changing how you think by applying rules and guidelines is beneficial for our creativity and drive.

Of course feel free to alter these prompts to fit your needs, but don’t be afraid to stick to the rules and experiment outside of your comfort zone. Rules can inspire great work.  Enjoy!!

What are some creative thinking techniques that you use??? Be sure to share.  They might even show up in my list.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Art Inspired by My Art on My Body

I am stoked to announce that I am getting my first professional large tattoo!!! It's a Sleeve!

Felicia Follum Art+ and Jason Jeffers Tattoo

 There are several reasons for wanting to get inked. Most of the elements in the piece will be symbolic of experiences, people, values, stories, or my life in general. Not only will there be personal meanings (which I will talk about more in future posts about my tattoo) to the work but I am excited to simply have a beautiful piece of artwork on my body.

Eye Inspiration for my back
Though my tattoo is not an exact replica of my artwork this first section is certainly based on my art. If you have been following my recent artwork you can probably already see how my Lily Pad art is represented on my sleeve. I also have a lizard eye from my Eden watercolor painting on the back of my shoulder that I am hoping to add some scales to. 

Each element from the first session also has some personal meaning but that is for future blog posts. For now I just wanted to show off my new tattoo and share the influences from my artwork and the artwork of Jason Jeffers from Extreme Point in Cheyenne.

I will continue to share more about my reasons behind my tattoo, both personal and my love of beautiful artwork.

Stoked to get the next section of outline. 

Who out there has tattoos? Sleeves? See my Body Art and Tattoo Pinterest board for more images.

I would love to see your body art in the comments. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Creative Block Breaker: #8 Travel Journal

My husband and I after our Yellowstone trip
As artist we have all had "creative blocks" or days when we are just not motivated to work on what we "should" be working on.  When these days arise it can be nice to have a change of pace.

These 40 Art+ Creativity prompts are designed the help you break past the creative block by allowing you to change up your daily routine whether it is writing, making art, staying at home with children or working.

Yellowstone Canyon
As the world becomes more globalized people seem to be traveling more and more which means you have probably taken some sort of trip or vacation in the not-to-distant past or you plan to soon. Traveling offers the perfect opportunity to change your daily routine and practice creativity.

Why not create a travel journal? Creative prompt #8 is to create a travel journal or travel art book.

This coming summer I will be traveling to India with the University of Wyoming Art Department. I told the professor that I plan to create a journal for the trip and decided to start journal ahead of time. He suggested create a before, a during, and an after journal. I think this is a grand idea and am excited to get going on this new endeavor.

Read more about and see photos from the Yellowstone trip
See my book arts
See my water lily prints (india-ish related)
Past travels

Friday, December 21, 2012

#26Acts of Random Kindness

26 Acts of Random Kindness

When tragic events occur it is natural to want to help while simultaneously not knowing how. These 26 acts of kindness may not directly help the victims but they are certainly ways for you to make a difference in your own community. Below is a possible random act of kindness for each of the 26 people in the Newtown shooting.
Adopt a Family project

You can read more about the origins of the #26Acts and #26RandomActsofKindness movements on

1. Pay for the person behind you in the drive through or at a toll booth

2. Take a neighbor out to a move

3. Make supper for an elderly or sick neighbor

4. Adopt a family for the holidays

5. Give someone a hug

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Five Last Minute Ideas for the 2012 Holiday Countdown

Here are my final five ideas for this years Holiday Countdown. These five gift, craft, and decorative ideas are sure to brighten your home and could serve as last minute gift ideas. I hope you have enjoyed this Advent countdown.

21. Upcycled Bows made from an old magazine. I made these from varying numbers of magazine strips formed into infinity signs and glued together. I then rolled a center strip. They are all different. Here are the directions I found on Pinterest

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This Aint your Grandmother's Christmas Music Countdown

I absolutely love music and some of my favorite bands have some excellent Christmas songs...I hope you enjoy...Though I grew up in a Lutheran church (and still consider myself a "Church Camp Lutheran" not all of these songs are your grandma's hymns (or Sphen and Olie's hymns for that matter) from the LBW (yes, that is Lutheran humor for you. If you understood those references please let me know in the comments).

16. August Burns Red's "Carol of the Bells"

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holiday Countdown/Advent Calendar: Food Ideas

All images can be found on my Pinterest page
There is something beautiful about the time of year. Baked goods, junk food, and some of my favorite flavors are a few examples. This next set of 5 days in the advent calendar is the promised food post. Turn on the oven, sit back, and let your mouth start watering....

16. What are the holidays without great food? Well they are still pretty great but there is no better way to a woman's heart than some great flavors.  Peppermint is one of my favorite flavors and scents.  Check out some peppermint holiday recipes I found for this holiday season. Which is your favorite?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A List Inspired by Tragedy: Creativity Prompt #7

"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react."
"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react." John Maxwell

It is clear that the past few days have be composed of some gnarly events.  We all process tragedy differently and that is ok, good even. For this week's Creativity Prompt (#7) I invite your to take a look at my response and respond in your own time and your own way.

I have been writing a lot of lists for the blogging class I teach at The Cooper Center for Creative Arts. It serves as a way to brainstorm and process information. I have seen a lot of heartfelt posts and a lot of posts using the tragedies in the news as a political sales pitch. I understand that we all grieve differently and I understand that all the Facebook posts and trending topics on Twitter are important and necessary to those doing the posting.

I wanted to respond a bit differently so I decided to create a list and jot down some of the words going through my head. I am not opposed to explaining why I picked some of the words (though they might have just came to me).  I really don't want to argue or even debate (maybe I will put up with some respectful dialog, maybe). However, I am much more interested in knowing what words my list conjures inside of you.  Share a couple below.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Countdown?Advent Calendar: Part 3

For the third part of my Holiday Countdown I am sharing some of my favorite Pinterest posts including inspiration, photography, crafts, projects, gift ideas and more.

My advent calendar will consist of 25 links, songs, tutorials, home decorating ideas, photography and artworks that inspire me. Since I started late I will share the first five today.

11. No snow for Christmas???

No problem, just head to the beach and make this gorgeous sand tree.

12. Cute gift idea for your bestie.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Last Minute Packing List

Are you going home for the holidays? Did you save all of your packing for the last minute?  If you stress out about packing like I do, this list is for you.

My husband and I in Yellowstone, WY
I created this packing list to use for my last minute travels and I hope it comes in handy for you as well. I am a big believer in planning ahead and being organized enough to allow for creative thought (just because I believe in this does not in any way mean that I am any good at it). When my mind, desk, studio, closet or other workspace is cluttered I am forced to focus on the mess rather than what I really care about which is being creative (and to get back on topic, packing).

This past summer I had several fantastic opportunities to travel and every time I stressed over what to pack and how to pack all of my art supplies.

So here is my last minute packing list to allow stress free packing.

1. Pashmina scarf or other large warm scarf - No matter what time of year or where I am going I have either used my scaves or regretted not taking one. I have used one for everything from cute fashion accessory (they really do spiff up an simple tank top and jeans) to a blanket in the airport on the way to Haiti. If camping or in another rustic climate you can use an older scarf as a towel, skirt, bag, pillow, or table cloth.

2. Snacks – I have some pretty annoying allergies that could ruin any trip so it is nice to be prepared if I cant find food. I also get hungry in cars and like to take some healthy snacks so I am not forced to eat gas station food.  Dehydrated foods are great.  A water bottle is a must for me as well.

3. Phone and/or camera – Other electronics are included here.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Creativity Boost: #6 Upcycle

Some upcycled Lily Pad art
Does your creativity need a boost?  Even the most creative people need a little nudge sometimes.  These 40 creative prompts are designed the get your creative juices back in gear and encourage you to switch things up.

I tend to create a lot of social justice and activisty type work.  Some of my subjects can be quite heavy. For me, Upcycling offers some great opportunities to switch things up a bit and still practice daily creativity.

#6 Upcycle – find some scraps of something you plan to recycle or toss and create something functional, beautiful or new.

Upcycling has also played a role in my travels and working with people.

Here are some inspirational upcycling ideas.

Upcycled Art makes great Christmas gifts too! Perfect for the last minute and those of us on a budget.

What materials did you use? Did you come up with your own project or find one? What did you create? Tell me in the comments below!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Holiday Countdown: 60 Days of Christmas

Here are some sets, 5 to be exact, of my 12 day countdowns for Christmas.  That's 60 days of Christmas. Can't beat that.  Keep reading for date nights, music, craft ideas and more fun winter ideas.

6. These ideas will be great for the next 5 months of winter here in Laarmaie.  12 Dates of Christmas is such a fun idea.
 12 Dates of Christmas

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Holiday Countdown/Advent Calendar: Part 1

I absolutely love Advent and Advent calendars. There is something beautiful about the time of year. The coming of a savior for those who share my personal Christmas beliefs as well as a time for family, sweaters, hot chocolate, scarves and winter sports for the rest of us. The season is full of joy for many.

My advent calendar will consist of 25 links, songs, tutorials, home decorating ideas, photography and artworks that inspire me. Since I started late I will share the first five today.  The fist set of five are a bit random but be sure to check back in a few days for music, gift ideas, food, and more.

1. The best way to start my 25 days of Christmas Countdown is with this super cute photo from my Pinterst page,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Creativity #5 Draw to Music You Dislike

Untitled Project Created while listening to music I like and music I dislike

Make the best with what you have. Does a family member or friend really love a genera of music you abhor? If so let them listen to the music while you respond this next creative inspiring prompt. 

These 40 creative prompts are designed the get your creative juices flowing by allowing you to detach from your daily routine whether it is writing, making art, staying at home with children or working. One way to detach is to give into to an activity that you actively avoid whether it is a show you dislike or even a specific chore. This prompt embraces of the those dislikes.

Draw to Music you Dislike – Pick a song you do not like and draw for the duration of that song. This is an exercise for the subconscious mind. Don’t try to draw the lyrics or musician. Use shapes and color to describe what you feel.

What did you create? Share it below.

Click here to see all 40 prompts.