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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Knifty knitter

For Christmas, I asked for a Knifty Knitter and I love it. I have really been enjoying creating projects and patters. So far, I have created two purses, a scarf, a hat, and an upcycled plastic shopping bag made from used shopping bags.

I don’t really like to use patterns but rather create my own and the edit them each time I make something. Here are images of my first few projects. If you want to purchase anything just comment.

More Photos Below...

 The colors on the top two images are more accurate.
I could not get the colors to work right in these two images.  Sorry guys : (
I will be posting a scarf and hat soon as well.


  1. how did u make them??????

  2. I used the small Kniftly Kniter tool (the long, not circular). I kinda made them up as I went to be honest, but used a stitch where you make diamonds (across the center of the pegs) makes one thick layer for one side, and a stitch that creates a loop (you go around the outside edge) for the other side, folded it in half and made the flap (the taper is just from pulling the strings tighter. The handle is made from using 4 pegs 2 on each side. I then sewed everything together. The Kinfty Knitter does most of the work for you. I hope that helps a little bit...Thanks for asking.


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